New Patient Special!

FREE Initial Visit

Includes Consultation

Valid for new patients only. See clinic for chiropractor(s)' name and license info. Restrictions may apply to Medicare eligible patients. Individual results may vary.

 To begin, we would like to thank you for your service and we take sincere pride in helping our military community with chiropractic care for any pain conditions they are experiencing!  The most common condition military members are experiencing when they visit us is back pain.  And we assume this is the case because of the wear and tear put on our military communities body's and 100% work-ethic.  For over 3 decades we have helped the military community in San Diego with back care pain relief services heping 100s of individuals and their families with chiropractic care.

For a free consultation, please call us today!


Our offices are conveniently located in the heart of San Diego in Mission Valley area, right off the 8 freeway.  

Since San Diego is a hub for the armed services and veterans, we have treated individuals from all branches of the military from the Coast Guard, Navy, Army, Air Force and USMC.  A lot of the activities these indiduals perform on a daily basis may cause long-lasting pain, or are currently causing you to experience pain and you need a solution to continue performing at the job level you are accustomed to.  

VA Veteran Approved Chiropractor


We are alsou proud to help our miitary veterans and take great pride in being a VA Approved Chiropractic healthcare provider.  Many individuals who are no longer active military due suffer from pain from the years of being an active member.  You shold be able to have a long and healthy life after your service that allows you to do activities you enjoy.   

Dr. Blakely understands the rigors of military life and service which is why we are dedicated to finding long-term chiropractic care to help you relieve your back pain symptoms along with any other pains you are experiencing throughout your body.

Military Chiropractic:  Free Consultation

At Blakely Chiropractic we offer a free consultation.  This allows us to understand what you are experiencing, how bad the pain is, and what types of activities you do on a daily basis that can be the source your back pain condition.  This will also allow you the time to get to know Dr. Blakely and ask any questions you may have.  

During this initial consultation, Dr. Blakely may provide an x-ray to see if there are any tell-tale signs of the exact point where you are experiencing back pain. Many times its due to a subluxation of your spinal region or your nerves are irritated.  With an x-ray we will be able to get a snapshot of the issues at hand.

At this poing he will provide a gentle and non-invasive chiropractic adjustment to begin the healing process of re-aligning your spine and relieving any irritation or stress that is immediately bothering you.  Most patients feel relief after their first adjustment.  We will then work with you to create a customized plan for future care.

For a fre consultation, please call us today!


Chiropractor Mission Valley Location