New Patient Special!

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Includes Consultation

Valid for new patients only. See clinic for chiropractor(s)' name and license info. Restrictions may apply to Medicare eligible patients. Individual results may vary.

San Diego Auto Injury Treatment – Chiropractor

A car crash can not only be painful, but very disruptive to an individuals life whether it be injuries, financial stress, or just dealing with lawers and insurance.  Even after a "minor" car collision little aches and pains can still arise. 

Dr. Bruce Blakely of Blakely Chiropractic has helped countless people recover from auto accident injuries sufferd in a car crash, and helped prevent long-term painful symptoms.

Chiropractic care is the perfect approach to dealing with pains that come from auto injuries.  The most common pains are those that come from the neck and spine due to the sudden whiplash type movements, which is exactly what chiropractic care targets.  

Our website discusses the most common symptoms from car collisions and how an injury occurs.  Chiropractic care can help you get better!

Symptoms of an auto accident injury

Chronic Pain
Dizziness or Vertigo
Jaw Pain
Low Back Pain
Neck Pain
Radicular Pain
Shoulder Pain

If you have been in a car accident here in San Diego, please call us today!  We can help you recover from auto injury pain and minimize all future ailments. Research has proven that early treatment is vital to avoiding long-term problems.


Chiropractor Mission Valley Location