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Ultimately, muscular dystrophy is a medical name for the condition whereas several hereditary diseases affect the skeletal muscles.  These include:  Duchenne, Facioscapulohumeral, Becker, limb-girdie and myotonic dystrophy.  This condition will most often affect the pelvis and shoulders but other muscles also may be affected by this disoder.  Chiropractic care has shown to help relieve the stress throughout the body through gentle chiropractic adjustments to help relieve the stress that is put on the various parts of the body that are most deeply affected.  Blakely Chiropractic has been serving San Diego for over 4 decades, we have helped 100s of individuals with pain relief treatments on a wide variety of conditions.

For a free consultation, please call us today!


More About Muscular Dystrophy

Muscular dystrophy is the breaking down of msucle fibers, often referred to as degeneration.  These fibers regeneraate but they are larger than normal and as the cycle continues normal muscle tissues are replaced with fibrous scar tissue and fat.  This disease may occur in both children and adults, but between the 2 it can take different forms and symptoms.

What is Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy?

Duchenne muscular dystrophy is the more common type found in children and adolescents.  It can affect males but like hemophilia, it is the females who are carriers of the defective gene.   Most times symptoms begin between the ages of 2 and 6 with symptoms including:  waddling gait, frequent falls, an inabilty to raise the knees and difficult getting up when lying or sitting down.  Unfortunately these symptoms get progressively worse and by the teenage years, most males are unable to walk.

Chiropractic Care and Muscular Dystrophy

While there certainly is no cure at this stage in life, the goal of chiropractic care no matter what condition you are in is to provide the best opportunity for the body to heal itself.  While dystrophy commonly affects the shoulders and pelvis region, the goal of the chiropractic treatment is to work to relieve any unnatural stresses and pains in the regions to minimize the affects as much as possible.  

Chiropractic treatments and massage therapy may help relieve symptoms such as muscle spasms and cramps, along with targeted stretching adn strengthening exercises.

For a consultation, please call Dr. Blakely today.


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