For those who suffer with chronic pain symptoms throughout their body, this can just be downright deblitating and we have full compassion for those who visit Blakely Chiropractic looking for a solution to help ease their chronic pain symptoms. You may have been visiting traditional medical practictioners who simply don't have diagnosis or decide the best treatment is for pain medications to give you relief for a few hours. But the body is amazing, it does have the ability to heal itself over time naturally, and that's what chiropractor strives to do, to work your musco-skeletal system back in to order to help the healing process and bring you pain relief.
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Most people that live with chronic pain have been to countless doctors with minimal results. Why is it that chronic pain is so difficult to treat? Mostly because the perspective that if a certain spot on your body is painful, then that is the spot that needs the treatment. Although it makes sense, being similar to a dysfunctional part on an automobile. Replace the part, and everything is fixed.
The problem is that the body’s systems are more interwined than simple parts. For acute injuries, where one part of the body is damaged, then yes, therapy to that part is essential. There are two schools of thought when it comes to assessing the body, and that is structural verses functional. Acute injuries often need the structural perspective, and chronic pains need the functional perspective.
For example, if your shoe choice is suboptimal or have flat feet, there will be repetitive assault on the structures of the body. Chronic assault will show up as foot, knee, back, or neck pain. You take approximately 10,000 steps everyday, and if you are wearing shoes that do not firmly support the heal you run the risk of developing chronic protective muscle spasms. So, when the spasm is left on due to repetitive stress from faulty biomechanics reflex inhibition kicks in and keeps muscles turned off, which become weak and dysfunctional.
So, we have muscles that are chronically turned on and chronically turned off. This leads to tight and weak muscles and compensation patterns develop and pain appears in parts of the body where energy is “leaked”. This leads to postural abnormalities and a cycle of dysfunction begins and is possible that it will not end unless appropriately treated. If that is not enough, the dysfunctional cycle also creates an inflammatory soup that bathes your body, which if not treated can lead to systemic pain.
I have found through learning from other doctors, literature research, and experience that specific treatments can lift chronic pain syndromes.
Chronic Pain Treatments Include
1. Restore foot biomechanics through orthotics, appropriate shoe choice, extremity manipulation
2. Releasing chronic protective muscle spasms via massage, ischemic compression, mechanical massage, muscle energy techniques
3. Spinal manipulation to restore function of the spine and to trigger co-activation of mechanoreceptors for nociceptive inhibition
4. Instrument assisted soft tissue therapy, such as graston or gua sha to the chronic “on” muscles
5. Exercise that addresses the weak and imbalanced muscles
6. Supplements to reduce inflammation
7. Diet to reduce inflammation
8. Proper sleep
9. Proprioception training – wobble board/balance board series
10. Proprioceptive neuromusclar training – D1, D2, etc.
In summary, acute injuries need to have structures addressed and treated. Chronic pains need to have the function of the body restored.
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