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Evidence-based study outcomes show care by a chiropractor improves low back pain in soldiers with cross-over to civilians.

As opioids continue to raise concerns, more people are seeking safer therapies for spine care. A study published May 2018 in JAMA Network Open validates a common non-drug therapy—chiropractic care. Researchers found that military members who underwent both care by a chiropractor and “usual medical care” had better low back pain relief and function than those who only had usual medical care. While the study focused on the military, civilians can also benefit from its outcomes.

The study followed 750 military personnel with low back pain, making it the largest trial to compare usual medical care coupled with chiropractic care to usual medical care alone.

“The current study provides the strongest evidence to date that chiropractic care is safe, effective, and results in high levels of patient satisfaction and perceived treatment benefit, thus strengthening our knowledge regarding this conservative non-drug option for low back pain,” said the study’s lead author Christine Goertz, DC, PhD, Chief Executive Officer for The Spine Institute for Quality.

Low Back Pain: Understanding the Problem to Find the Solution
Low back pain is a common disorder—approximately 20% of American adults struggle with low back pain. In the U.S. military, the condition can stand between soldiers and their ability to perform combat duty.

Its prevalence means it’s a costly problem: Back pain’s direct costs in 2010 hit $34 billion, according to the study authors. When you factor in the indirect costs (like lost productivity), low back pain’s cost skyrockets to $200 billion.

Combating low back pain is challenging, given the complication rate of many of the most commonly prescribed therapies. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), epidural steroid injections, spine surgery, and most notably, opioids bear significant risks and aren’t always effective at sustainably managing low back pain.

Given the gravity of low back pain as a public health issue and safety concerns surrounding drug therapies, the research team sought to understand whether adding chiropractic to usual medical care would provide safer, lasting low back pain relief.


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