The 1 body part that really seems to give individuals issues at least once in their life, is the back region, whether its up towards your shoulders or more commonly in your lower back, at some point an individual will face some degree of back pain. Unfortunately for many people, it has become a normal part of life and the reaction is just to cope with the uneasiness until it "goes away". While chiropractors do understand the anatomy of the back and the issues that can come about, it is also understood that many back related problems can actually go away with proper diets, stretching and rest. Even just 1 adjustment can help immensely. Chiropractic care is focused on the individuals with back pain problems that just seem to continue and not go away, causing a disruption in living a norml and healthy day-to-day life.
Here are some helpfulback pain tips from a San Diego chiropractor:
Watch How You Lift
One of the most common causes of a painful lower back strain is poor lifting. It is very important to perform proper form when lifting heavier type objects. When you are lifting, no matter how large or heavy the size, to keep your back straight up and lift from your legs. Allow your legs to do a bulk of the lifting. Once fatigue starts to begin, we use our legs less and less, this is when you are asking for a back injury. It is also crucial that you not twist your body when holding a heavy object. Move your feet until your body is in the direction that you need to place the object.
Proper Nutrition
Nutrition is a very essential component to a healthy spine. Keeping healthy body habits such as drinking a lot of water and having a proper healthy diet will keep weight off your midsection. When individuals carry excess weight in the stomach area, this can cause an imbalance, ultimately pulling those muscles in your lower back throughout the day. As you don't need to be told again and again, try and reduce your weight and this will release the burden on your back regions.
Sensible Exercise
No matter what type of lifestyle you have, you are well aware that exercise is a very important part of life. Easier said than done. When you begin exercising you must also realize this can be an easy way to injure your back. Make sure when you start exercising that you stretch properly before the activty and cool down when you are finished. We have all been guilty of jumping in to an activity without stretching or warming up and end up with an extremely tight pain in your back the next day. Make sure you ease in to exercise as well, find an activity that is easy for you to start as you gradually build back up.
Avoid Prolonged Sitting
With work life and our reliance on technology, people sit far more nowadays than past times. it is not uncommon for individuals to sit at a computer for long hours without taking a break, it really can take a toll on your body and health. While you are sitting, the discs in your spine are compressing. Make sure that you get up and walk a few times throughout the day to ease the tension on your spine.
If you have more questions about back pain and related conditions, or need help, please fill out our online form or give us a call!
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