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Valid for new patients only. See clinic for chiropractor(s)' name and license info. Restrictions may apply to Medicare eligible patients. Individual results may vary.

At any given time, over 65 million Americans will report some sort of back pain episode.  When back pain begins, this is often the most obvious sign its time to see a chiropractor.   Back pain affects every age group and is the leading cause preventing people from being able to engage in normal day to day activities.  

Back pain most often stems from torn ligaments, strained muscles, ruptured discs or inflamed joings.  Usually patients will go to their primary care as a starting point for pain relief but often leave with a prescription for pain medications, but doesn't actually fix the problem.  Chiropractic care works to find the root of the problem and formulate a plan for a long-term solution.

Outside of back pain that is clearly a noticeable issue, there are reasons for needing chiropractic care to optimize your overall well-being.

Reason #1 – Shooting Pain Down Your Leg

(Sciatica is a common nerve condition that affects millions of Americans every year.)

If you've suffered or currently suffering from sciatic pain, then you know exactly how frustrating and debilitating this condition can be!  Sciatica occurs when the nerves are compressed which in turn creates a shooting pain down your leg, accompanied with numbness and weakness in your lower half. With chiropractic care, the nerve can begin to heal and return to an un-flamed state once there is realignment back to your discs.

Reason #2 – Tension Headaches

Headaches are a prolonged symptom that many people battle with.  Headaches can be the result of several factors / conditions.  Tension-headaches for example, can be linked to things like poor posture, cell phone usage, and TMJ.  Adjustment of your cervical spine can help resuce the likelihood of tension headaches in the future.  

Reason #3 – Recent Accident

Usually linked to auto accidents, but work accidents or general life accidents are the main causes of spinal misalignment.  With any abrupt accident, this causes your body muscles to tighten, bones to shift, and joints to misalign.  The effects of an accident may not be felt for weeks or even months after the mishap.  Chiropractic care is critical in keeping your body healthy after an accident and preventing further potential damage.  

Reason #4 – You Constantly Sit At Work

(Sitting for extended hours during the day can harm your spine health.)

Many Americans have desk jobs and have to sit at a computer for extended periods of time throughout the day.  The natural body is simply not designed to sit for prolonged periods of time, especially without movement.  If you are sitting improperly, this can create poor posture which ultimately comes from misaligned spinal columns.  We recommend you move every 30 minutes from sitting position to keep your back muscles from tightening.  Chiropractic care is a great way to relieve the weekly or monthly stress that is placed on your spine.  

Reason #5 – Soles On Your Shoes Wear Out Differently

If you notice that the soles are wearing out on the inside or outside tread, or the soles don't have the same "wear and tear" pattern as the other, then seeing an experienced chiropractor may be a good idea.  This is a very common signal that your walking stride is showing imbalance in your leg length or spinal alignment issues.  When left untreated, symptoms that can arise include tendonitis and stress fracturs.  Trained chiropractors can help you identify where these issues are.

Reason #6 – Persistent Neck Pain

In today’s technology boom, we are seemingly always connected to some type of smart device. This has caused many Americans to develop “text neck,” and other cervical spine issues. The average human head weighs roughly 10 pounds and is supported by a limited number of muscles within the neck. If proper head posture isn’t followed, several painful neck complications can occur.

San Diego's Best Chiropractic Care

Upon entering our clinic, Dr. Blakely will conduct a full exam of your situation and overall health to determine the cause of your discomfort. Through a combination of treatments, exercises, and lifestyle adjustments, Dr. Blakely and his team can help alleviate your pain and misalignment. Schedule an appointment today to start healing!

Chiropractor Mission Valley Location